Jerry and Bianca share heartfelt stories about parenting, from the importance of affirmations in shaping self-worth to strategies for balancing work and family life. Jerry explains how his faith informs his parenting philosophy, while Bianca highlights the role of community and resilience in raising her daughters. Together, they offer relatable insights into navigating the challenges and joys of modern parenthood.
Jerry McRae
You know, my father had this way of making everything seem possible. I remember once, when I was about nine, he sat me down and said, "Jerry, you can do anything you set your mind to." And, uh, it wasn't just words - it felt like a promise. That one sentence stuck with me, through college, through fatherhood... even when I was writing my book.
Wait, so, like, he just told you that and you instantly believed it? 'Cause my kids... whew, they’d say, "Nah, Mom, that’s impossible."
Jerry McRae
Ha, well, I don't know if I believed it right away. In addition to me seeing him everyday being such a strong, hardworking leader! Winning awards at work and buying things he wanted and everything me and my mom wanted. But he repeated it, over and over, until it became part of how I saw myself. That’s the thing about affirmations, right? They’re like seeds. Plant 'em often enough, and they grow into something powerful.
Totally. I actually do the same with my kids. Even though it's just me, I make sure they know they're, like, amazing. I’ll say stuff like, "You’re smart, you’re capable, you’ve got this." You know, things I wish I'd heard more growing up. It’s like... I’m filling a gap.
Jerry McRae
That’s so important. Your words can become the voice they carry in their heads for years. Even today, our prophet at Bethlehem City of Faith teaches us about the power of words and our tongue! I mean, look at you - you’re showing them what resilience looks like every day. And those affirmations? They’re hearing them, even if they don’t say it back.
Well, I hope so. But it's not just parents, right? Like, the community plays a huge role too. I’ve had teachers, neighbors, even my own mom stepping in with those positive, you know, vibes when I couldn’t. Especially when life hits hard.
Jerry McRae
Absolutely. It's not just one person’s job. My dad set the foundation, but so many others reinforced it. My marching band coach, mentors... even some librarians, funnily enough. All those voices helped me become who I am today. It’s, uh, it’s a collective effort, really.
Okay, so let’s get real. If you had to pick just one phrase you think every kid should hear, what would it be?
Jerry McRae
Just one? Hmm. "You are enough." Short, simple, but it carries a lifetime of meaning. I had a few inspiring teaches that I'll never forget like Mrs. Kay Roberts and Ms. Joanne Dunson.
Yes! Love that. For me, it’s "You’re stronger than you think." Especially when they’re feeling stuck or doubting themselves. It’s like a little push, you know?
Jerry McRae
Absolutely. And those words, they’re like fuel. The right ones at the right moment— they can shape a future.
Alright, Jerry, you’ve talked about the power of words and affirmations—love that, by the way. But now I’ve got to know: you’re a librarian, an author, and a dad—how do you even start your day without, like, losing your mind?
Jerry McRae
Well, uh, it’s definitely a balancing act, that’s for sure. My mornings usually start early. I’m up with the kids, prepping for the day - coffee, a moment of quiet, checking emails. I wake Camren and Brianna up, put on their clothes and I’m in dad mode, making breakfast and chatting about what’s ahead for them. I drop them off to school, then it’s off to work where, you know, I’m wearing my librarian hat. After that, it's rushing home for dinner, homework... and if I’m lucky, a little time to write.
Oh my gosh, just listening to that makes me tired. My mornings are full-on chaos. Like, no coffee, no peace, just, "Mom! Where’s my sock?!" And never the pair, right? It’s always one sock.
Jerry McRae
Ha, I know that feeling. But honestly, I think the key is setting boundaries. Early mornings are my sacred time. And evenings, I try to keep the focus on my kids. No work email, no distractions— just family.
Boundaries? Oh, wow, what are those? 'Cause, like, my work boundaries are basically a phone call from my boss at 8 PM saying, "Hey, can you finish this one thing real quick?" And I cave in every time.
Jerry McRae
That’s tough, Bianca. But even small things help— combining activities, for instance. Like, I’ll take the kids to the library with me once in a while. It’s time together, but also, they get to see where I work and, uh, understand what I do. It helps bridge the gap.
You take your kids to work? Jerry, that sounds risky.
Jerry McRae
Oh, it definitely has its moments. Like the one time Briana decided she was going to "help" reshelve the books. Let’s just say, Dewey Decimal took a hit that day. But really, it—it’s those shared experiences that, you know, make the crazy days worth it.
Oh, I got one. So last month, I had this huge project due at work. And the same night, my twins had a school play. I’m sitting there in the theater, laptop on my knee, typing away while trying to record their performance with my phone. It was a mess.
Jerry McRae
That sounds like life in a nutshell right there. And honestly, it’s okay to juggle. What matters is showing up, you know? Your kids will remember that you were there— laptop and all.
Yeah, maybe. But I’m still waiting for that magical work-life balance everyone talks about. You think it exists?
Jerry McRae
I think it’s less about balance and more about harmony. Some days, work takes the lead. Other days, it’s family. The trick is being present wherever you are in the moment.
Hmm, harmonizing... okay, I like that. I mean, I’m not a singer, but I’ll try to stay in tune.
Jerry McRae
You know, thinking about harmony—it reminded me of something else that keeps me centered as a parent: faith. It’s, uh, like this lighthouse that guides me when things get tough. I remember telling Briana once, when she was upset about some mean girls at school, "God made you exactly as you are for a reason." And seeing her, like, kinda pause and think about that... it was powerful.
Wow, Jerry, that’s deep. My faith helps me too, but, man, sometimes I just... I don’t know what to say. Especially when my girls ask those big, existential questions, like, "Why are people so mean?" or "Why aren’t there more women bosses?" You know, heavy stuff for a Tuesday night.
Jerry McRae
Ha, yeah, I’ve been there too. And those are moments where I lean into teaching Brianna to embrace her own identity. I tell her, "The world might not always be fair, but that doesn’t mean you don’t belong." It’s about showing her that her worth isn’t up for debate.
Yes! That part! Teaching them to stand tall, even when, like, the world feels stacked against them. It’s so, so important...
Okay, let me share this one time. My youngest was dealing with a tough day— a friend ditched her, you know, kid drama. So she came to me all teary-eyed. I didn’t know what to do at first, but then we prayed on it together. And I said, "You’re loved, you’re enough, and tomorrow’s a new chance to try again." Seeing her face light up... Jerry, it was everything.
Jerry McRae
That’s beautiful. And isn’t it amazing how those moments— they stick with kids? Brianna still remembers our talks from years ago. And I think, as parents, it’s those quiet but meaningful moments that make a difference. It’s not always about having all the answers; it’s just about being there, offering love and guidance.
For sure. I feel like parenting is this constant experiment. Like, we’re trying to mold these tiny humans into decent, kind adults, right? But along the way, they're shaping us too.
Jerry McRae
Oh, absolutely. My journey as a dad has taught me more about patience and grace than I ever thought possible. And, uh, teaching equality is a big part of it too. For Brianna, that means helping her see— no matter what society says— her voice matters. Always.
I love that. Like, one of the biggest things I try to show my girls is how to advocate for themselves. Speak up, ask for what they need, you know? I think faith communities can really help with that too, like giving kids a... a safe place to grow into themselves.
Jerry McRae
Exactly. It’s about building a support system where their strengths are recognized and celebrated. And let’s not forget— we’re doing this together. Parents, communities, mentors... it’s a shared mission.
Totally. So, let’s leave our listeners with this: your words, your time, your faith— it all matters. Remember that, even on the messy days.
Jerry McRae
Beautifully said, Bianca. And to all the parents out there— keep going. Take it one day, one moment at a time. Your love is creating something extraordinary.
Alright, folks, that wraps us up. Thank you so much for tuning in. Go hug your kiddos or, you know, give yourself some grace. We’ll catch you next time. Bye!
Jerry McRae
Bye, everyone. Take care!
Chapters (3)
About the podcast
Jerry McRae shares his transformative journey of becoming a father and building emotional bonds with his children, Camren and Brianna. Joined by Bianca Torres, they discuss the evolving roles of fathers, breaking generational cycles, and the science behind fatherhood’s emotional rewiring. He supports finacial education, breaking the back of poverty, exploring how modern parenting fosters healthier relationships and personal growth.
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